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CIVITIES 2.0. is a citizen science and heritage dissemination platform that seeks to create materials and spaces for heritage education. It has been created by the University of Zaragoza and is financed through the research projects 'HAR2013-48456-C3-3-P: Qualitative evaluation of the cultural action of Roman sites with web 2.0 (CIVITAS)' and 'EDU2016-78163 -R: Educommunication web 2.0 of heritage (AEI-MINECO, FEDER-UE)'. It is in a permanent state of construction. In September 2019, it includes two open spaces for online collaboration:
− Civitas_Arqueovirtual: through it, the aim is to create a geopositioned catalog of virtual reconstructions and digitizations of Roman archaeological sites.
− Civitas_Mural: through it, the aim is to create a record of social networks (Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, blogs, etc.) linked to Roman archaeological sites.
− Civitas_Patrimonio: through it, the aim is to create a register of Cultural Heritage in danger, either due to poor conservation, or because it is undervalued.
In the development of these spaces, the active participation of users is essential, since CIVITAS 2.0. It is conceived as a platform that seeks to integrate them in the creation of cultural content and provide a communication context that facilitates Heritage Education in the communicative and creative interaction environment typical of web 2.0.
Content on this site is licenced under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
- How to add contents in Patrimonio?
1. First of all, you must register on the platform. To do this, you must press the 'Enter' button, located on the right side of the top menu, and then select 'Register'. A short form will appear that you must fill out. It is important that you remember your username and password set to be able to enter directly the next time.
2. Once registered, a new button will appear in the top menu with the text “Add new”. Once you select this button, just click on the place on the map where the Heritage you want to add is located. Then a marker will appear, which can be dragged to adjust the position, accompanied by a form in which you must enter the data of the new Heritage.
3. Rules for filling out the form. First of all, you must indicate the name of the Heritage you want to register. Then it is recommended to make a brief description (not exceeding 20 lines) indicating the state in which it is located and giving some information such as: location, dating and other relevant information. Lastly, it is proposed to upload an image.
4. Once the form is filled out, press the save button. Thus, the new site will already be visible through the map.
All content will be reviewed prior to posting, and users who attempt to repeatedly post inappropriate content will be banned.
24/05/2018 12:40